Progetto ARTiculation: Presentare una sola opera, in lingua inglese.

Contenuto in: 


La classe 4F Liceo Linguistico ha aderito al progetto in collaborazione con il nostro partner Roche Court Educational Trust, ideatore del progetto originale e promotore dello stesso in Inghilterra già da diversi anni.

La studentessa Clara Pagliai, 4F è risultata una dei sette finalisti,  “Magnificent 7”.

ARTiculation: good news! Clara Pagliai is invited to the finals

I am very pleased to tell you that Clara has been chosen as a finalist for ARTiculation Prize Italia 2017. Congratulations!
I would now like confirmation that Clara would be able to participate in the live final. There is a change in the date and location of the final: it will now take place in Florence on Monday April 3rd in the afternoon. This means that Clara would need to travel on the morning of the 3rd, as the final will take place from approx. 1pm.
Could you kindly see if her attendance would be possible at the finals? We can cover the cost of travel for her and a guardian (how old is she?).  We would also like to encourage some of her classmates attend, too – do you think this might be possible to organise as a school trip? I could follow this up with your school principle, if this is the best way to go.
If she is able to attend, I will send on some feedback on how she can improve her presentation very soon.
Many thanks for your collaboration and well done to Clara!

 Unica selezionata per la regione Umbria.
La finale si terrà a Firenze il 3 aprile.

I 7 finalisti sono:  6 ragazze e 1 ragazzo; 2 provengono dal Lazio, 2 dalla Liguria, 1 dalla Campania, 1 dalla Toscana e 1 dall’Umbria.


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